About Us, School Photos, Portrait Photography - Strawbridge Studios

What is PLIC Go?

PLIC Go is an online student data management service offered by Strawbridge Studios. It is a secure, cloud-based service that allows schools to manage and export student data on demand with ease!

Manage Student Information

With PLIC Go, you will be able to access your school images faster and easier than waiting on a DVD to arrive by mail. PLIC Go allows you to update and modify data to complete your records before running any exports.

Download Exports

On the PLIC Go website, you will be able to access a variety of standard exports for your onsite school databases. You will also have the ability to create custom exports for special projects.

Print Items

PLIC Go allows school administrators to print their own ID Cards, Student Directories and Award Certificates. This is a huge time saver for the staff at your school.


Helpful Documents